School Reports
On 21st of December 2019 it’s time for students to receive their study reports from school. It is usual that some school have started distributing student’s report by the end of the year. And it means school holidays have started. The moment of “report distribution” for some children is a fun thing, because they can invite their parents to come to school with them and get to know the results of their study from the 6 months July-December. And also the children who are supported by the Damara Bali Foundation get their reports.

Student reports are a way of measuring student learning progress. Reports are given by the school teacher to students or their parents twice a year.
A student’s report usually uses a rating scale to determine the quality of students learning at school. This rating scale can be written alphabetically (for example A, B, C, D, E, F, where A is the highest score and F mean fail) or numbers (for example A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=60-69; E=50-59; F=0-49). In Indonesia, student’s reports are filled by scaling number values ranging from 0 to 100.
Student’s reports are documents that serve as a communication link between the school and the parents of students and with other parties who want to know about children learning outcomes in a certain period of time. Children who are assisted by Damara Bali Foundation generally get good grades.