Success Story - Cattle Breeding Program and Empowerment

Improving the standard of living of poorer farmers is the main aim of Damara Bali Foundation. We are committed to empower poorer farmers by providing support for the cattle breeding program to improve their incomes. Our empowerment program is an on-going support to develop community capacities, raise awareness about how to discover their own potential to achieve self-sufficient living. 

Here, we bring you one inspiring story of a young man who has benefited from our empowerment program; read about him below.

Kadek Yana was previously an unemployed youth living in a remote village called Kedis in Singaraja-Bali. One day in 2017, he came in contact with our Damara Bali Foundation and was assisted with 2 head of cattle in which he raised for future profit. Currently, in September 2019, those cows gave birth and Kadek decided to take care of the calves before selling them for a good profit in 12 – 16 weeks time of Rp. 15.000.000,- to Rp. 20.000.000,-. 

This positive outcome supports the livelihood of the family, and fulfills the needs of his elderly parents. Kadek hopes Damara Bali Foundation will be able to provide more cattle for youth unemployment and poorer farmers in the village so more jobs will be created and more income will be generated to improve the standard of living of the participating families.

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