Most frequent questions and answers

Damara Bali is a non-profit foundation supporting a better life for the children from poor farming families in Bali. Damara Bali Foundation was established in 2015 and registered as a non-profit Indonesia Foundation (Yayasan) with the Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights Indonesia No AHU – 0006690.AH 2015.

Damara was founded by I Nengah Swikrama, who grew up in an orphanage and received education thanks to the support of other people’s generosity. He has worked for over 30 years to assist children living in orphanages. For the last 8 years before starting Damara he was the Director of Widhya Asih, managing an organisation that provides homes and education to over 500 children and helps with many community projects.

Our main aims are:

  1. Direct sponsorship of children who have dropped out/or are at risk  of dropping out of school because their parents are too poor to provide the cost of books, basic school supplies and uniforms. 
  2. Help poor farmers to have sustainable capability for generating income to provide for their children and send them to school.

Villa Bugis proudly supports Damara as its primary charity. Damara started with generous contribution from Villa Bugis, a villa management company in Seminyak, Bali (villabugis.com). Villa Bugis have committed to continue with annual donations and also with coverage of the cost of all administration of the charity to ensure 100% of donations go directly to those that benefit most. Read more about Villa Bugis here: https://www.damara-bali.org/villa-bugis/

Damara supports nearly 100 children for the school year 2019-2020, all living in extremely poor villages in north and east Bali.  All these children had already dropped out of school.

The cost is quite small – IDR1,500,000 per year per child – or about AUD$150 per year.

Damara works with trusted school administrators who identify the children in need of help. No money is given directly to the families, but is used for paying for direct expenses for the children to attend school. Damara representative visits regularly to monitor how the children are doing and receive school reports.

Sponsorship is made to those most vulnerable, and in most need, as identified by their school, who’s staff work very closely with Damara and the community.  If you have children, we often try and match those with similar gender and age group, for relatability.

Yes, this is possible after sponsorship has been made – it is a full day trip to and from the rural areas that the children are living.

You will receive photos and bio’s of the child you sponsor, it is also possible to communicate via written (and translated) letters if you wish – as well as a quarterly newsletter.

Please visit www.damara-bali.org/donate-here – all Damara Overheads Finance and Admin services are provided by Villa Bugis. Direct payments can be made into the Damara account, but this is usually costly with fees from overseas, from both ends, not making it worthwhile.

Each year we will contact you to renew your assistance and commitment, and you can then choose to renew the same way as initial payment was made.

DAMARA is a non-profit foundation supporting a better life for the children from poor farming families in Bali.

Damara Bali Foundation was established in 2015 and registered as a non profit Indonesia Foundation (Yayasan) with the Indonesia Ministry of Law and Human Rights No …AHU – 0006690.AH 2015.