Why Organic Farming?

Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system that does not make use of poisonous chemicals but it relies on the use of natural, non-chemical materials or fertilizers of organic origin by reducing dependency of artificial chemicals to ensure the environment stays clean and safe.

Organic farming is the replacement of conventional farming that support the environment conservation and consumer health. The philosophy of organic farming is based on certain principle and has been referred to as feeding the soil to feed the plants.Organic farming methods is to transfer nutrients of organic matter, plant compost and animal manures into soil biomass, that after being mineralization (known as decompose) then become nutrient-rich-humus.

Organic farming encourages the adoption of practices such as:

  • Fertilize with animal manure and compost
  • Fertilize with green manure
  • Fertilize with composted slaughterhouse sewage
  • Maintain and preserve habitat of plants with polyculture farming

The benefit of organic farming as follows:

  • Farmers do not rely on synthetic chemical/ inorganic fertilizer and pesticide inputs to prevent environment pollution
  • The products are free of poison / toxic
  • Organic produce tastes way better than conventional one.
  • Organic products are often more expensive

Objectives of organic farming:

  1. Protect future generation from environment damage and pesticide residues
  2. Assist small family farmers.
  3. Prevent soil erosion. Protect the quality of groundwater from synthetic chemical fertilizers and pesticides contamination
  4. Sustain the health of ecosystems because it keeps beneficial insects and bacterias alive
  5. Reduce the effect of global warming and save more
  6. Ensure the foods are safe and healthy to consume
  7. Keep food’s nutrients and it tastes

Benefits of Organic Farming:

The benefit of organic farming is to alleviate or to limit the negative effects of chemical inputs used in conventional farming.

General Summary Comparison Between Organic Fertilizer and In-Organic Fertilizer

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