Once Again the Damara Bali Foundation Carried out Agricultural Training

This time we trained the farmers with ginger planting training

To increase the resource capacity of poor farmers and improve their welfare, the Damara Bali Foundation will continue to strive to facilitate them by providing agricultural training.

September 2023, we facilitated training on ginger cultivation, which held in Baturiti village, Tabanan, Bali

Why Ginger?


Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) is one of the priority medicinal plants under the guidance of the Directorate General of Horticulture. Apart from being consumed as a cooking spice, this plant is also needed as a raw material for the herbal medicine industry, instant drinks and as an export commodity.

Ginger containing the essential oil zingiberen is efficacious in reducing flatulence and symptoms of colds, relieves coughs, and is also an external medicine for sprains and rheumatism.

To meet high demand, apart from planting in open areas, ginger can also be planted intercropped with other agricultural commodities such as chilies, sweet corn and coffee. The aim of implementing horticultural plant cultivation training is to increase the knowledge, abilities and skills of farming communities in cultivating ginger properly and correctly, which will provide good results thereby increasing welfare and income. Meanwhile, the ginger planting movement is intended to provide a stimulant for farming communities in the context of developing horticultural areas, especially medicinal/biopharmaceutical plants.


A summary of the material presented in ginger cultivation is: 

1) How to cultivate land for planting ginger. 

2) The planting medium used is organic fertilizer and husks. 

3) How to care for ginger plants and how to harvest them. 

4) Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) and organic cultivation to produce products that are safe for consumption and environmentally friendly so that they are accepted by domestic and export markets,


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