Care about education and take immediate action

During the school holidays in December 2023, the poor children in Datah Village, Karangasem, Bali, felt happy because they received school shoes.
Many students’ shoes were damaged. The Damara Bali Foundation immediately took action to help children by providing school shoes.
The 60 children who received shoes assistance consisted of elementary school to high school students. They are from poor families. The distribution of shoes is a form of the Damara Bali Foundation’s concern for the education of poor children in villages in Bali. Apart from the basic concern, of helping each other and mutual cooperation, and how can we help underprivileged children by providing school shoes.
The Damara Bali Foundation hopes that by providing school shoes it can trigger the enthusiasm of poor children to study diligently and improve their achievements. The Damara Bali Foundation also advises students who receive shoe assistance, even though they have limitations, they should not hinder success.
The children expressed gratitude to the sponsors for the real support in the form of school shoes that had been provided. This assistance is very useful in motivating children to go to school

The assistance of school shoes is a form of synergy between the Damara Bali Foundation and the children’s sponsors. The support from those children’s sponsors has made a big difference to better education in Bali.