Q4 Maintenance of coconut tree plantations

Damara Bali Foundation planted 200 coconut trees on dry land in February 2020. As a pilot project, it is now 8 months old with an average height of 125 cm which means that it has had good growth.

We perform the following treatments:

  • Weeding

We do weeding around the coconut plantations with a width of 1 meter using a cutting machine that is directed inside in order to cut parasites and plant pests to the limit of the soil surface

  • Embroidering

Embroidering is the exchange of plants that grow with defects, die and plants whose growth is not normal, these plants are replaced with other good seeds.

  • Pruning

Pruning is removing leaves that have turned brown because they are dry. Remove dead leaves

  • Watering

Doing watering 2 times a week to ensure there is enough water for planting coconut.

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